"Escape" movies
When i was small, i watched a lot of movies. My record was 52 movies in a year, achieved during one of my secondary school years. It was a one-off record that was never repeated. Movies was my escape. Ironically, i never like "escape adventure" movies like Poseidon Adventure, Towering Inferno, Babylon, Airports 'XX... These movie typically would have some heroes (dont know why no heroines...) leading a bunch of ppl running here and there. Watching this type of movies give me phobia until today.... of cramped space, distrust of women as crisis leader (dont prosecute me, ok!! freedom of speech wat!) and fear of going on holidays.
So, when that significant relative of mine wanted to watch "Titanic", i gave all sort of excuses like headache lah, cannot get tickets, blah blah blah. I will never watch another "escape" movie. period.
Except of course, if it is Tom Hank and/or Steven Spielberg movie. which was why i gambled away 2 hours of my weekend with "The Terminal". I thought it was the most wu liao movie about someone stuck in the JFK airport in NY. Only Tom Hank, an expert in acting with himself (Castaway was a good example) could pull it off. Otherwise how could one act through an english movie as a non-english speaking tourist. "Wat!! i am wrong? Mr Bean also can act without speaking a sentence of English?" Hei! Mr Bean (forgot his name) is a comedian lah, we are talking about serious drama actor here!! hehehe i am still right.
Maybe the accidental love story between TH and Catherine Zeta-Jones distract abit. Anyway, our hero wasnt trying too hard to escape after meeting this "Meg Ryan" look-alike. I am a sucker for TH-MR romance movies. CZJ with the pouty lips really looked like the cutesy MR in this movie.
Actually "Terminal" look a lot like a rojak of TV "Survivor" and "Friends" with its "no-money many-friends" theme. I mean it cos there were so many CCTV in the airport, Hank's antic was good TV to the sadistic Airport Manager and his kakis. No privacy in American's airports?
I am actually surprise why the movie was not banned in Singapore. Tom Hank was really bad here as a role model. Ripping airport property, repainting wall (read grafitti)... vandalism in short!! Canning if get caught in Changi. Maybe Hank's acting was so good, the censors missed it?
Well Hank/Spielberg combo is a sure "pau jiak" winner. A really good wu liao movie to spend 2 hours with over the weekend!!