Burung Pipit

Friday, March 24, 2006

Almost Famous

Friday and i am taking the day off. Big day today as i got an interview with the Straight Times Sunday Life. Need to prepare, man! Straight Times Sunday Life, can you imagine that?!! . They want a story on me, "... the most misunderstood blogger without a fan base." But isn't that an oxymoron? Who want to read a blog that they can't understand? It is not very flattering to receive comment like "...sorry wrong blog. can't understand a word being uttered." Anyway, i will take my 15 minutes of fame. I was quietly running through the trivias they gonna ask me... I don't want to be a misunderstood and boring blogger. an excerpt is included here... STSL: What would you do if you are marooned on an island? SF: Will apply for PR so i can buy an pigeon hole from the mafia of the land STSL: Er... I don't mean Kiasuland SF: Robinson Crusoe's type? STSL: Yes SF: will bring Mr Martin Yan, need cooked food to survive, Mrs Smith, bodyguard for security and other unprintable reasons and Bob the Builder, to build a sampan to escape from the island STSL: What about your wife? SF: Nope. She would not survive a day out here. Anyway, don’t think she will get along with my bodyguard STSL: What if you are only allowed one company? SF: Then I will take along one Mrs Martin Yan the Builder… You get the drift…. As I was waiting for the lift, I hold SO’s hand gently when she suddenly turned to me and said “Dear, what are you doing pulling my hand? It is 3.30 am in the morning!” Oh, my God!! I am dreaming again!! But it was good while it lasted. Who has the address of Bloggers Anonymous?


Blogger Helen said...

Hey!! I really thot u were serious!! I was just comtemplating on boasting to everybody I know someone who got interviewed by the S'pore press... summore without paper bag over the head one... when u dropped the bombshell!

Cheh.... Knowing how systematic you are, I bet the next one on your dreamlist would be CNN or BBC....

MUAHARHARHAR pssst, or maybe u will dream standing in front of Simon, Paula & Randy....

3/24/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger seefei said...

Sorry lah... it also felt so real until SO pulled my hand...LOL

3/24/2006 01:09:00 PM  
Blogger chong y l said...


Can I give you, and Helen, each 7-1/2 minutes of fame on the Borneo Post?

I've got strong cables to an Yan there who owes me one.
You pay RM10million each, canORcun't? --- Value4Money-lah, you get your NAMA in ...,000 nu'epapers and I've got my
where you can also make gues' APpearance.

Helen as OUR body-card, .I now see you also play GOLF!
Can't make assumption about IpohLang!

3/25/2006 01:01:00 PM  
Blogger seefei said...

Will sleep on it first... Wait for Jie2 reply. **Buying time here to get that RM10mill** LOL

3/25/2006 01:19:00 PM  

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