Burung Pipit

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Singapore for Oscar 2

After yesterday casual kacang putih blog about Singapore's Oscar ambition by one STraight Times journey girl Sah Hor Fun, i read about Kuku's movie situation in Page 14 of today ST Life. This one put more than a smile on my face. His latest short movie "No Holiday Work until You Die" is wanted by the Kunt Film Festival and the Ceongjau Internal Film Festival in Korea. That is really a coup, as Kuku is known as an arthouse director whom movies are as deep (read zzz....) as Teh C's blog. BTW, Teh C is one blogger that possesses the "zzz" factor and harbours a HoliBoliwood ambition. Also in the same paper today, Kuku's family had just being enriched by 2.32 billion pound. Tiunaseng corporation, is buying up his family stake in the Squadchart bank. BTW, Tiunaseng corporation is our answer to Boleh's Kazamana corporation across the causeway. I am actually happy by this latest development. With that kind of family wealth, i pray hard hard that Kuku will throw his weight behind Singapore's Oscar ambition. If the angmoh CAN! we also BOLEH! Wait for (TAN) KUKU lah!!


Blogger chong y l said...

according to mGf Down Under, sssssspirit,
the "zzz" factor puts people off to sleep.
Lol, no wonder some early birds get LOST among my Maze and Haze land -- but thanks fro your marketingh -- are you also ppeing into yancorner.blogspo.com? She's the besta marketer in Catsville, Peninsular and JB, sin-land also can-ny!:)
(I collect 30% from her sucess when I show her proof of my marketing -- I split 50-50 with you IF you help me put my script on Hollywood B'g Screen!:)
You saw the B'g Epal in eeehPOH nyet?

3/28/2006 10:18:00 PM  
Blogger seefei said...

you got yourself a deal. my marketing very kilat one you know!!

3/29/2006 02:43:00 PM  

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