Pregnant Friday
Film Synopsis
Be With Me the new film by Eric Khoo (Mee Pok Man, 12 Storeys) is a tapestry of stories woven around the themes of love, hope and destiny. The characters lead separate lives but are bound by one common desire - to be with their loved one. The protagonists in the movie are fictitious bar one - Theresa Chan, a courageous deaf and blind woman whose life story inspired Be With Me.
Named after the colloquial Malay word for "anxiety", it is nonetheless told with great assurance. Fans of her last movie, the interracial romance Sepet (2004) will be pleased by the return of protagonist Orked (Sharifah Amani Al-Yahya) and her kooky clan. But Gubra is different from the lightweight sentiment of Sepet. The director states her intent at the opening, which quotes from the Quran, "In the name of God, the most loving, the most compassionate". Gubra is not just a love story. It is also a meditation on what it means to love, to live and to have faith.
Brothers & sisters...dont buy pirated DVD lah, support our movie makers lah. Just bought Kuku's Be With Me but still haven't watched yet lah. Good movies lah these two ...Gabra & Be With Me. Got love, got hope, got destiny... OK!! If you gonna treat yourself to one OKOK two lah DVDs this year, make it Gabra or Be With Me!!
This lady is turning 40 soon and loved by many.
Friday and i am taking the day off. Big day today as i got an interview with the Straight Times Sunday Life. Need to prepare, man! Straight Times Sunday Life, can you imagine that?!! . They want a story on me, "... the most misunderstood blogger without a fan base." But isn't that an oxymoron? Who want to read a blog that they can't understand? It is not very flattering to receive comment like "...sorry wrong blog. can't understand a word being uttered." Anyway, i will take my 15 minutes of fame. I was quietly running through the trivias they gonna ask me... I don't want to be a misunderstood and boring blogger. an excerpt is included here... STSL: What would you do if you are marooned on an island? SF: Will apply for PR so i can buy an pigeon hole from the mafia of the land STSL: Er... I don't mean Kiasuland SF: Robinson Crusoe's type? STSL: Yes SF: will bring Mr Martin Yan, need cooked food to survive, Mrs Smith, bodyguard for security and other unprintable reasons and Bob the Builder, to build a sampan to escape from the island STSL: What about your wife? SF: Nope. She would not survive a day out here. Anyway, don’t think she will get along with my bodyguard STSL: What if you are only allowed one company? SF: Then I will take along one Mrs Martin Yan the Builder… You get the drift…. As I was waiting for the lift, I hold SO’s hand gently when she suddenly turned to me and said “Dear, what are you doing pulling my hand? It is 3.30 am in the morning!” Oh, my God!! I am dreaming again!! But it was good while it lasted. Who has the address of Bloggers Anonymous?
I think I have a severe bout of BA…blogging addiction. I have not dreamt for a long time. But recently I started to have dreams about things that I blogged. It is not actually things I blogged but bits and pieces in a jumbled up rojak from blogging, bloggers, reality, worries carried over from the day before. For example, this morning…I dreamt my house was on fire… It was a very huge fire that has reached the white heat stage. With so much smog and yelling around, my mind went totally blank. The only thing that mattered then, was to find my favourite book “MY ALL” by the author, Helen. Before I managed to find the book, my house collapsed on me and jolted me out from dreamland….. Actually, “My All” was one of my many haunts in bloggerland. Someone should start a self-help BA (Bloggers Anonymous) for those with BA.
Hei! I can't have dinner at the same table with this woman - Broccoli Barbara. BB is the co-owner of the Bond franchise. I don't care even if it means throwing away the chance of a pair of premier tickets to the lastest Bond flick - Casino Royale. Anyway, JB is a tired theme that is running on bottom of the barrel materials. More of this later. I am not alone, Snr Bush shared my dislike of this woman too... " Bush banned Broccoli from the White House and Air Force One: "I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to see any more Broccoli! (abstract - 151k ) After my limited research on the net, this woman is everything that i despised...lack of respect for elder, cronyism, hold grudges, lack of ideas, bad taste!!
disrespect for elder...
it is drastic to kick out Brosnan just like that! can't she do a old spy new spy swap like the original "Casino Royale" of 1967? She can take a leaf of Kiasuland in this instant. Kiasuland is paying a respectable elder a cool 2 mil a year just to look after money that nobody is sure exactly where and how much. The last elder asked and the gahmen took two years to get back to him. The answer was that the gahmen was not sure and still counting. Dont quote me ok? Still need to cari makan (scavenge for scrub) in Kiasuland.
In her debut as co-producer, she displayed her feminine activist facade by installing " Judi Dench as M who describes Bond as a "sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War." It is to Judi's credit that she had done a good job since!!
a very lame excuse using the potential China-UK conflict to send 007 on another mission...and casting Dato M. Yeoh as an ass-kicking vase. High profile but lousy role. No wonder Dato M has yet to get another main stream English movie. Lee Ang's Tiger show is not a mainstream English movie, ok? It won the best foreign language movie in the Oscar, get it?
This is a movie with a $$ message, if you look beyond the fireworks - OIL is Everything!! If after watching this movie, you went out to buy some oil shares you will be a very happy person now. Good movie but how many working class cinema goerS like ME would catch it?
Asian (in this movie, North Korean) was installed as the new villain. Ouch... after Fu Manchu, now we have Kenneth Tsang as the new face of a misunderstood father... Looked like Tsang was in the wrong movie and the wrong role. Had to resort to a scene of wave surfing to attract the young generation.
Bad TasteThis is my guy! He will have my "license to kill". The player, yeah, a real proven lady man!
If casting a fellow that appeared haggard and looked like a two-timing tennis player is gonna bring a contemporary edge to the Bond's role, HEI!! Broccoli, you better get your head examined. I like to know what was she trying to tell us in the "old" Bond... BROSNAN's Bond was like the kind of sensitive new age guy who was not a womaniser... someone you would like to bring home to show mama. Another old dinosaur to be discarded like "M"?
If you ask me... Miss Broccoli, this is your guy..............
he is suave.....with a pair of most expressive eyes in this part of the world
a proven lady man .................
got experience some this genre
most of all, he is funny.... the missing ingredient in your tired formula!!
Friday is here again. After making predictions of what I wanted to do for the last two weeks and never achieved it, it suddenly dawned on me that marriage life is no longer about what I want to do but what I need to do…. For example... I want to sleep until 10 am tomorrow morning but I need to wake up early to meet the designer for our apt renovation. I want to play tennis in the late morning but I need to perform driver duty to the significant one. Reason same as above. I want to watch movies and shop for CDs in the afternoon after the designer’s meeting but I need to go to buy fruit from our favourite stalls in Tanjong Pagar and do the renovation budget thereafter. I wanted to stay single but I need to get married to continue the family line …. hahaha not this one. I do WanT to get married and share my life with that one Significant One. I NeeD to keep this entry short because I WanT to knock off early from work today to celebrate the birthday of the Significant One tonite. It would be good to hear from fellow bloggers how you balance your NeeDs and WanTs!!
Have to skipped tennis today as a few work datelines are looming and how I wish I am not human… but an octopussy with 8 arms and hands. I am in the business where my productivity, in a way, is determined by how fast I think and click on the keyboard. I am always grateful that I was an ACSian from Ipoh. ACS seemed to be the only school in Ipoh then to offer typing class. Unfortunately the class was abolished after the retirement of the typing teacher. Those were pre-computer days and typing was probably considered a low-level skill that was not a pre-requisite to a successful career. We were lucky to be the last few cohorts before the class was abolished. I wonder whether schools offer typing class now? If not, where do youngsters nowadays pick up typing skill? Typing is such an important skill in this world of electronic mail and word processing, it will be interesting to know where do people pick up this cannot-do-without skill from? So, if you meet an Ipoh ACSians circa 83 or earlier and he claims he can’t type to save his life… you know you can’t trust this guy.
Money woes aside, i am positively and absolutely think i am gonna end this week with a bang. My fairy godmother Helen had given me the power to deal and wheel in a parallel universe filled with stars, celeb etc...
I was given three no-hold-bar dinner tickets to date the hottest stars in Hollywood...**sob, sob...** I cant possibly do justice to such a gift with just one entry. So **sob, sob...** will do three instead. First i need to get my dinner guests list up first...
Hot on my lists are...
Barbara Broccoli ...protest! protest! Daniel Craig sucks!
Stephen Chow, Jackie Chan, Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott... famous directors come together to to do a movie... i have the pau jiak (sure fire) formula
Sam & Carrie from "Friends" fame...just the company i need to relax after the first two HOT dinner engagements
Thank you, Helen my fairy godmother **sob, sob...**!!
When I was young, I almost hated it when my papa went to work every morning. I would cried and cried …. and papa would carry me in his arm trying to sooth me. When I was old enough to talk, I asked papa why he had to work everyday. What he said on that fateful day had really set my life anchor. He told me he needed to work and he was doing it for me. So, at the back of my mind I knew then that papa had to go to work because of me…. and I never cried since.
But for the last 40 years I have no family to pass the words of wisdom and the life anchor that my papa had given me. I drifted and was starting to query my very own existence. Papa worked for me, I work for whom? If I didn't get married, why do I need to work or rather work so hard for? I have nobody to work for beside the selfish motives of keeping my comfortable lifestyle!! I sometimes pray to God for answers. And I think God heard me when He asked me this question…..
Why work for Cash? Cash who? Pat Cash or Johnny Cash? Both Cashes are suppose to be funny and entertaining. Since Singapore has no Cash whatsoever, no wonder my life feel so miserable. The face on the note doesn't look very happy, either. If you look carefully, it actually looks like Al Capone, the mafia. Dont believe? I got proof... Here is the picture of the real Capone.
Oopps wrong picture. This guy is no crook. He is just trying to build a crooked bridge from Malaysia to Singapore.
Here it is!! Without trying too hard, isn't there some resemblance?
In Singapore, the guys with serious cash without any doubt are the merry bunch below. Nobody would argue with me that most, if not all, of us at some points in our life have worked for them or contributed to their family kitty. As usual, those disagree can post a comment!!
Sir John Bond (HSBC)
Wee Cho Yaw (UOB)
Jackson Tai (DBS)
Someone sent me this picture, supposedly to perk up my Monday. It was tongue in cheek, really but when you look at it carefully, it is actually very zen-ny…. If you substitute fuel with all pleasure-seeking activities, the equation still holds true. So, we need money to have pleasure, to be happy… It is like a reminder that we have to work hard to be happy… it is a cliché really. Since I was born without even a tooth, not to mention silver spoon, life is nothing but a grind. A cari makan journey to the West, where it all will ends. So, instead of cheering me up, it is like a grim reminder… I don’t know whether I am just being cynical or the Monday blue is bogging me down. Either way, it doesn’t matter now as the day had ended ….
I survived another Monday! Yeah!!
cari makan = looking for food
Will try to catch BB Mountain in the cinema as well as the classic "LOVE STORY" on dvd this weekend. With so much raves about BB i actually feel guilty to have nothing to say. Homo vs Hetero. Thank you Lee Ang for giving us this "study" of the other side. The love genre will never be the same again!!
It is never a trip of complete pleasure when going on a golf trip during the weekday across the Causeway. It is always pleasure mixed with pressure. The thought of getting caught in a traffic jam that last as long as your golf game is never far from the mind. Pressure also come in the form of client calling in to remind you that he need that report by this Christmas, or worse, he need it yesterday. The bad press on the violent crime in Johor recently didn’t help either… All these added up, I actually feel guilty resting a productive day chasing a little white ball in the middle of nowhere.
Isn’t it ironical that I go through all this troubles, just because I wanted a day off to escape the mundane of daily grind?!! The fact remain that a few stolen moments in a backdrop of great landscape and greenery and the company of a few good buddies do wonder for the mind. It is also a good opportunity to renew our bonds with friends that we don’t meet socially or professionally. Today game is one such moment. Cheeze was my buddy from university. He was and still a guy with big personality and love for the Arts. He used to buy tickets in advance and invite his friends to art performances. Art performances were cheap then and a typical Hong Kong gig like Alan Tam can be had for $10. At one Singapore Symphony Orchestra concert he actually bought 20 tickets in advance for his friends. I didn’t go for that one as I was in Malaysia. He ended up in the good company of 17 ladies for the evening and sold away the 2 unused tickets at the concert venue. What I admired about him is that he had no ulterior motive in his action as he dated and fancied none of them. Pure friendship. Period.
It was a good trip today as we managed to come back in one piece and on time. The only blot on a good day was some silly marketing company calling up asking for a few seconds of my time as I was lining up for a killer putt. Some good holes earlier had put me in a good mood, so I generously gave him 3 seconds as that’s all I needed to say “Not interested” and hang up. I missed my putt!! @#$%^!!
JB is literally littered with hundred of eateries that serves good food at affordable prices. It is almost like an unwritten rule that a golf outing will end, not at the 18th hole but at a good makan (eating) place in JB.
Dinner was a surprise experience today. It was not at the usual town eateries but at a kelong restaurant by the seaside at Tanjung Kabung. It does not have the commercial trapping nor the romantic ambience of “The Sampan” in Melaka. The seafood could not get any fresher than here as the fish were actually kept in pents in the sea. Dinner was a mix of veggie, steamed fish, fried egg and mussel downed with fresh coconut juice and chrysanthemum tea. For RM80, it was an experience that everyone and anyone can afford. The only catch is, the place is rather out of the way and not that easy to find. It was tucked away at an ulu corner of Pasir Gudang in JB behind the Tanjung Puteri Golf Course.
All in all it was a good “holiday” in the hospitality of our northern neighbour. Good food, good company, affordable golf… great combination that will relax the most tired of mind. Did I talk about pressure? Not a hint of it around after we had finished our dinner. That’s the reasons we are coming back again and again despite the incidental inconvenience with a golfing outing in JB.
A young relative who work in Balikpapan think he is so clever, he gave me this challenge. He sent me an email with the pic above and the caption below. Suppose to test my observation skill.
Thought you might appreciate the subtlety of this ad, done by a Brazilian ad agency, for a lubricating gel (K-Y equivalent) targeting the Frenchmarket. They were trying to come up with an ad that is not offensive or tasteless.The picture looks completely innocent until you notice the details...Apparently, it has created quite a buzz in Europe.
Although my eyes are "low fah" , uncle here is no stupid you know!! uncle here eat more salt than you eat rice, walk more bridge than you walk road... Wah liao, trying to test me!! One look i already know. The gal is looking for her boyfriend or husband or gigolo lah. That poor fella must had felled into the longkang or canal something. Quite obvious slipped on the slippery KY on the pavement !! Must be true lah as this is a KY ad, right? The gal must be waiting for him to surface from the water. Poor gal!
Next time wanna test uncle, try something got more brain one lah!! Anyway, dont worry, keep them coming. Uncle, although lau liao, but can still take challenge or a joke or two.
Anyone not agree, pls indicate in the comment column. Best comment win one week supply of KY or equivalent.
View from my master bedroom...
Weekend parties that i talked about...
My neighbour on the right, Helen the blogger. sometimes moonlight as stand-in in Hollywood. Goes by the artist name of Helen Hunt...
My left neighbour, a silai who has a daughter that like to sing in the toilet. Now a big time singer in Hollywood...
and last but not least, the security is top class. you cant get any safer than this!!!
Dont you wish your neighbourhood is as nice as this?
pang sai jua = shit paper
kacang putih = white nut
After the slow pacing and thinking movie “The Crimson River” on Saturday, watching Final Destination 3 on Sunday was really a welcome change. It is the “tonik” movie that I need to perk me up for Monday. I can imagine absolutely nothing more gratifying than watching some perfect ang moh ah bengs, ah lians with perfect breasts or massive biceps succumb to the gruesomely violent, and yet goofy at times, shock of Death. Nothing else in the horror genre can compare to the pure, unadulterated simplicity of this Destination installment.
James Wong, who took a break from the second installment, is back in his element in this third installment. Call me shallow, but I actually like this movie. No character development, philosophical pretension, unnecessary plots to deviate away from the balance equation of a good formula. Death, has never been as crowd pleasing as it is in any of the Final Destination films. I don’t see any reason why the series couldn’t extend indefinitely. It’s a one-trick movie to be sure but, my God, it’s a great trick. I left the cinema feeling guilty pleasure. Death should not be so entertaining, but that's what this movie is all about.
Ang moh = red hair
Ah beng = male teenager
Ah lian = female teenager
It is a French movie dubbed in English - The Crimson Rivers starring Jean Reno and Vincent Cassel. Anyone heard of it? If you like the American's Seven and Serial of the Lamb, you will like this French offering.
I like the movie for two simple reasons - Jean Reno, the only French actor I recognize & like (beside Alain Deloine) and the serial killer genre with its CSI-like forensic scenes minus the There are some grisly images. Make sure juniors are not around when you are tuning in. mopiko - common brand of soothing balm for external use rojak - oh moh salad with lots of crutched peanuts topping oh moh - dark hair that grow on the human body
Too lazy to catch a movie in town as I was stressed out by work in the office today. Maybe will go tomorrow. As a result, i had a bad case of "Oscar Fever" withdrawal symptom earlier in the evening. As i could not stand the itch anymore, i reached for my "mopiko" - my "rojak" collection of vintage (old lah actually) movies collection and pick one of the movies that i had watched long time ago and had totally forgotten its story line.
bad creative lighting.
This is one good movie for a slow Saturday evening. If you have nothing on Sunday and are sick of watching re-run CSI Supreme Weekend, it is worth you while to try out The Crimson Rivers.
Oscar fever is here! and TGIF!! So many movies to watch and so little time. Quick glance through the papers today, three of the oscars fav like B. Mountain, Munich, & Crash are showing in town. And together with the ang moh pontianak movie (Underworld) & 444 movie (Final Destination 3) showing, we are spoilt for choices this weekend. I already know my choice for this weekend, it is the same one as the significant one. Hope you guys will have a great time this weekend and maybe we can compare "movie" notes next week. ang moh = red hair pontianak = vampire 444 = die die die
Tanjung Rambutan in the outskirt of Ipoh is famous for its rumah sakit gila (mental hospital) and hot spring. So, when your Bolehland colleagues are telling you, mockingly "Are you from Tanjung Rambutan?" it is a sign your idea sucks big time and a good signal to look for alternative lunch partners. TR also has a lesser known attraction, that was started as a brainchild of the late Tengku Abdul Rahman. It is the Tanjung Rambutan Stud Farm.
An avid patron of the Sport of Kings, the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj, Malaysia's first Premier believed that the breeding of Thoroughbreds was possible in the tropics. So the wheels were promptly set in motion, which led to the establishment of the National Stud Farm in 1969 by the Malaysian Totalisator Board. From its humble beginnings as an experimental project, the National Stud Farm has since staged 27 successful auction sales of over 900 Thoroughbreds.
The Farm has come a long way in its development and many of the sale graduates have been successful on the local race circuit, beginning with C'est La Vie, Tote Buster, Tuneful Melody, Joel and Tres Bien. To date, graduates of the Farm have earned their owners no less than RM20 million in prize money.
Well, this is a retired race horse heaven. After spending half their life running in a circle, it is a reward for the good one to settle down to do something more exciting like running in circle in a stud farm.
My list ...ahem
Little Chicken
suppose to make Disney laugh all the way to the bank. It bombed so bad, nobody is laughing
"heaty" chick that sent one Colonel laughing all the way to the bank
Bird Flu
femme fatale that make you lembek (soft) at the knees without taking her clothes (feather...?) off
NYP Tammy
the One who started a national debate on value of modern youngsters and change the way we "look" at lost handphone
Evelyn Lee (who?)
the cover girl of the "Tammy" pirated CDs in Bolehland. collateral damage from the NYP Tammy fallout
Dr Rosemary Tan
the entrepreneur who "a week after giving birth to her 2nd child,... was on a plane overseas to talk shop". Dr Tan is the Boss of Veredus, among the first in the world to sell the bird flu H5N1 detection kit commercially. Singapore Boleh!?
Helen the blogger
one silai (housewife) from Ipoh who diu deals her way into the hearts of many bloggers with her big personality and mak toh tak (no hold bar) blog. silai man sui!! (housewives of the world unite!)
No chicks were harmed in the compilation of tis list. Dont worry abt the chikcs at KFC, they are already dead, anyway!
All opinion expressed are mine. No insurance cover here so dont think of suing me if you dont like my list.
Pls feedback, comment, advise, consult as you like. Criticism is not welcome, constructive or otherwise.
The list is not exhaustive and subject to change without any further notice.
I have a bit of problem getting a cup of plain hot water this morning at a fast food joint in the West. What happened was i ordered a breakfast meal and asked for a cup of hot water, instead of the usual tea/coffee. The counter girl told me that i couldn't exchange my coffee/tea entitlement to a cup of plain hot water. Coffee, Tea or nothing? Hei! this is rare knowledge and totally illogical and absurd. I didnt know whether to feel angry or to laugh. Not wanting to hold up the Q, I ordered a cup of teh kosong without teh/sugar. I walked away from the counter smiling, this girl had made my day. I got my cup of plain hot water, naturally. I didnt know whether the counter girl action was intentional or a tease on this uncle with the "blur" look. Whatever it is, Singapore service industry, i think we have along way to go.